Srividya Seshadri
Consultant Gynaecologist and Sub specialist in Reproductive Medicine &Surgery,
Miss Seshadri successfully completed MD thesis on Reproductive Immunology at the University of Liverpool and obtained her accreditation in Reproductive medicine and Surgery at Guy’s and St Thomas NHS University Hospital in London. In addition, she obtained accreditation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in London. On successful completion of Masters in medical ultrasound from Kings College london, She has worked as the Lead for the NHS services at CRGH. She is an honorary associate professor at University College London since 2019, supervisor for MsC students affiliated to UCLH and also teach regularly on MRCOG and HyCoSY courses.
Ms Seshadri is the Head of clinical research and development, CRGH
Ms Seshadri is the lead for the Embryo transfer and IUI module for the British Fertility Society
Miss Seshadri special interests include recurrent miscarriage and fertility preservation in women diagnosed with endometriosis
28-Feb-2024Contraception & Reproductive Health TheatreEndometriosis: diagnosis, management and fertility choices